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Add support for Visual Studio and other IDEs

Many people already use IDEs such as Borland, Visual Studio, and eclipse. It would be helpful if you could offer a degree of compatibility with these environments: colour schemes, key bindings, import and export project files, ...
Alex: partially this already added, at least color scheme:
it also possible to add VS adopted keyboard mapping, http://www.hippoedit.com/keymaps.php
but not yet done
For export/import, do not know if this is really needed

Kevin Stock , 09.11.2010, 08:28
Response from the site administrator
HippoEDIT, 12.11.2010
Partially this already added, at least color scheme:
it also possible to add VS adopted keyboard mapping, http://www.hippoedit.com/keymaps.php
but not yet done
For export/import, do not know if this is really needed
Idea status: in process


Kevin Stock, 09.11.2010, 12:27

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