2 votes Vote

I think you should extend the purchase special for more than one day!

You give us no time to evaluate the software and see if we would want to buy it. If you gave people a few weeks to try it out, you would find you would get more sales. Extend the $15.00 special for a few weeks and give us a chance to use your software. One day (or less) is simply not enough time to intelligently evaluate anything.

Mike Felker , 10.11.2010, 02:42
Response from the site administrator
HippoEDIT, 12.11.2010
The offer is extended till end of the week. Then I will remove it from HippoEDIT main page but you can reach it from HippoEDIT itself: menu Help->Special Offer. At the end of the next week I will disable the offer.
So you have enough time to decide.
Idea status: completed


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